
“He was like a guru”: Christophe Dominici facing a “toxic” couple? His widow Loretta files a complaint and explains herself


Thomas Martin


A great sports fan, he likes to know what is hidden in the lives of athletes, but does not neglect film or singing stars. After a long journey in the Canadian far north, he returned more determined than ever to see what was going on among the people of France and elsewhere.

More than 3 years after the death of Christophe Dominici, his widow Loretta decided to speak out. The partner of the former rugby player decided to file a complaint against the former associate of the athlete and his wife. She explains it in an interview with “Parisien”.

“He was like a guru”: Christophe Dominici facing a “toxic” couple? His widow Loretta files a complaint and explains herself

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It has now been more than 3 years since Loretta learned to live without the father of her daughters, Kiara (15 years old) and Mya (12 years old). An absence that continues to weigh on the one who shared the life of Christophe Dominici until his death on November 24, 2020. A disappearance which continues to make people talk and A detail from the autopsy recently revealed more about this tragedy.“We are rebuilding ourselves little by little. I am a woman who is raising two magnificent little ones alone. Having them forces me to think about the future, to find a way to transform pain into strength, as Christophe did”says Loretta, in an interview with Parisianthis Thursday, February 1, 2024.

On February 8, Loretta Denaro is releasing a book, Without him (Ed. Michel Lafon) in which she pays tribute to the father of her daughters. She also takes the opportunity to discuss the circumstances of his death and certain people around him whom she suspects of having acted badly. After having attacked a powerful politician and demanded several million euros from himthis time, the widow of Christophe Dominici attacks her former partner, the Franco-Tunisian businessman, Samir Ben Romdhane, when the legend of the XV of France tried to buy the rugby club of Béziers. “Samir, he was like a guru. You have to be careful, be vigilant. That no one can 'do business' with them, with their partner Philippe Baillard. This is my fight”explains the one who decided to file a complaint against Samir Ben Romdhane and his wife, a couple that she describes as “toxic”according to The Parisian.

A strange bank guarantee and a confusion just before the death of Christophe Dominici

Loretta Denaro therefore decided to file a complaint against the couple. “The few documents that I have seen (…) I find them quite strange”asks the widow of Christophe Dominici, helpless in the face of the absence of the father of his daughtersbefore going into details: “Samir Ben Romdhane provides a bank guarantee from a Chinese bankof 20 million dollars in an account in his name, with a fuzzy stamp. And two days later, he asks Christophe to pay 327,000 euros… How can I not ask for explanations? It’s rude.”

A couple who will continue to make life difficult for Christophe Dominici according to Loretta and despite the failure of the takeover of Béziers, they would have continued to try to do business with him. “To make this pill swallow, they made Christophe sign a contract with a so-called oil company. Even I, who have no legal skills, could see that it was truly legendary. It looked like a hidden camera”, she specifies. A couple with whom the former rugby player was in contact until the weekend before his death, when an argument broke out due to a wine affair. Christophe got yelled at. I've always seen him react, and not here. His head was already elsewhere. And after that, he hardly spoke any more.”says Loretta, who is very angry with Samir and Nadia Ben Romdhane.

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Written by ezzeddif

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