
He's never been a professional, he's 45, he's Paris Hilton's brother-in-law… here's the most surreal transfer of the transfer window

The Portuguese D2 club Länk Vilaverdense recruited Courtney Reum in the last hours of the transfer window. Aged 45, this American businessman has never played football at a professional level and is better known in the United States for being the brother-in-law of star Paris Hilton.

If you didn't know the Portuguese D2 club Länk Vilaverdense, this team based in Vila Verde, near Braga, has found a good way to get people talking. In the last hours of transfer windowLänk Vilaverdense, penultimate in the championship, recruited Sherwin Seedorf, 25, nephew of the Dutch legend Clarence Seedorf. A player who had not played for three years with his previous club, the Scottish team Motherwell. An astonishing blow but FC Länk Vilaverdense struck even harder…

Courtney Reum (left) with Paris Hilton (5th from left) – AFP

In addition to shopping in the families of legendary footballers, the Portuguese club has also been recruiting in the families of American showbiz stars. If the name Courtney Reum probably doesn't mean anything to you, this American is none other than Paris Hilton's brother-in-law. His brother, Carter, is the husband of the wealthy heiress of the Hilton hotel chain and a totally essential figure in the American jet set.

An entrepreneur followed by 300,000 followers on Instagram

Another singularity: Courtney Reum is 45 years old. A very old age to perform on a football field at the professional level. Especially at the attacking position. Problem is, the Los Angeles native has never been a professional player.

On his Instagram account followed by nearly 300,000 followers, you can find everything from photos of skiing, on a boat, in a car, in parties, in bungee jumping, the cover of Men's Fitness on which he poses shirtless… Alone link with football, his latest Story. A photo in which we see him, or rather we see him as he is far from the lens, with the green Wolfsburg-style jersey of his new club.

Courtney Reum with the Länk Vilaverdense jersey – Instagram

“A choice of the scouting service”

No wonder, Courtney Reum considers himself a businessman. An entrepreneur who notably wrote a book of advice for startups. What about football then? On his CV, his only experience is limited to participation in the university championship. Contacted by In Bola, Länk Vilaverdense justified this astonishing recruitment by indicating that it was a “choice of the scouting service” and that “age will not be a problem” because Courtney Reum has “the energy of a player 20 years.” For the publicity stunt, in any case, it’s already a success.

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Written by ezzeddif

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