
Mimie Mathy “not in a state to play”? The filming of “Joséphine guardian angel” postponed…


Caroline Perrin


Obelix of the celebrity press, she fell into it when she was little and never really left the pot. His favorite pastime? Scour the social networks of stars to find clues about breakups or new couples still kept secret.

Bad news for Mimie Mathy. The actress star of the series “Josephine Guardian Angel” broadcast on TF1 will not return to filming straight away. According to France Dimanche, the 66-year-old actress is not in top form. So much so that she would be unable to work at present.

Mimie Mathy “not in a state to play”? The filming of “Joséphine guardian angel” postponed…

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If Joséphine Delamarre had really existed, she would heal her little wounds with a snap of her fingers, as she knows how to do so well in Josephine guardian angelthe series broadcast on TF1 and of which Mimie Mathy has been the heroine for 26 years now. Unfortunately, the character is only fiction and everyone's concerns must be resolved differently. And the latest concerns Mimie Mathy directly. The 66-year-old actress suffers from back problems linked to herniated discs.

In 2022, it had already underwent a major operation : “I don't run like a gazelle. I may use a wheelchair when I'm at the station, and my seat on the train is at the end of the platform, but I walk as best I can“, she indicated to TV magazine. But in recent weeks, Mimi Mathy's health has deteriorated. The back would no longer be the only one affected but the hips would also play tricks on it. That's what France Sunday affirms in its edition of Friday February 2. These health problems would explain in particular the fact that she had declined the invitation to the last Enfoirés concert for the 35th anniversary of the event.

Mimie Mathy's health problems are said to be such that even the filming of Josephine guardian angelwhich was to resume at the beginning of March, would have been postponed, the actress apparently not being “not fit to play.” It was in May that the filming of a previously unreleased Josephine Guardian Angel should finally take place. A period which would allow Benoist Gérard's wife to rest and regain all the strength necessary for the shoot.

Update by Mimie Mathy

Last December, on the show As an aside broadcast on Canal+, Mimie Mathy expressed her anger at seeing the worst rumors circulating about her concerning her state of health. It's not because she's in a wheelchair that Mimie Mathy is in agony: “When I'm at the station, I ask for a chair because often, we're at the end of the second train, we have to go all the way back up the platform and we also have to go to the taxi. So it's true that I get help for some things but I'm fine. […] I'm tired of reading things like I'm paralyzed, I can't move. No, I'm fine, I continue to tour and I continue to have projects!” Rumors which, unfortunately, cannot disappear with the wave of a magic wand…

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Written by ezzeddif

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