
“That’s all I will say”: questioned about the Nicolas Bedos affair, Nicole Calfan weighs her words

Nicole Calfan doesn't get wet. Starring in the new France 2 series, All this I will give to youthe actress was questioned about her view of the MeToo movement and the fact that women are more daring to report sexual assault of which they were victims. “I'm always on the women's side“, swears the main interested party in the columns of Parisian this Wednesday, February 7. She fully supports this liberation of speech. “I'm not part of the MeToo movement but I listen to them. We, the women of my generation, were also hit by these kinds of problems and I think we defended ourselves“, she believes. And adds: “The current movement is great And It’s good that speech is freed.

However, she regrets the consequences this may have. “Only, men no longer dare say a word to you in the street or lean towards you in a café. It still separated us a lot when we had difficulty finding each other between men and women“, deplores this mother of two boys. All she's waiting for is that “justice passes, we check if there have been abuses“. This was all it took for our colleagues to evoke the case of Nicolas Bedoswho recently directed her in the series Alphonse. This one does facing accusations of sexual assault. Response from the interested party? “He took a back seat and we have the impression that this series was released without him. I think he really regretted not accompanying us more. That's all I'll say.

Nicole Calfan weigh your words and take tweezers when it comes to talking about your loved ones. Same story elsewhere when it is asked about Gérard Depardieu with which she toured. “When I toured with Gérard [Les Chiens en 1979, ndlr]I had by my side an exceptional and very funny partner. At that time, he was not saucy or anything but a joker“, she swears And admits: “I can't talk about the Gérard who is being accused today. I saw Complementary investigation, I am a friend of Yann Moix, I don't want to comment on that.“To believe that the importance of freeing speech is limited by those close to it.

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Written by ezzeddif

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