
After serious accusations of “harassment, homophobia and xenophobia” against Manu Lévy, NRJ radio accuses Libération of “caricatures and lies” in a text sent to

This is a new affair which affects NRJ radio since the revelations, Release. Several former NRJ employees are making serious accusations against the morning star. Manu Lévy accused of “harassment, homophobia and xenophobia”, accusing management of not having reacted. A sexual assault is also described in the investigation, carried out under the guise of a schoolboy joke by Nicolas Papon, friend and collaborator of Manu Lévyunder the eyes and with the complicity of the latter.

Manu Lévy is therefore very seriously accused by several people from the station who have contacted the industrial tribunal. Several of the complainants are known to the general public, because they have regularly appeared on air.

Among them, we find Valentin Chevalier, who collaborated with Manu Lévy for eight seasons, Isabelle Giami, co-host who worked with him for five years, Pauline Bordja, co-host from 2017 to 2019 and Aude Fraineau, voice of the standard for two years. “Libération” also collected testimonies from around twenty former employees of the morning show, having worked on NRJ from 2012 to 2023.

The most surprising thing about this case is that the management of NRJ was necessarily informed of these facts, since complaints were filed and the courts seized, but the management of the radio never communicated or reported this information which seem to concern a large number of employees.

Gaël Sanquer, the deputy director of musical media for the NRJ group, is even implicated by name in this investigation by being accused of having systematically defended Manu Lévy.

“He is aware, he has seen so many people crying in his office. And at no time is he on the side of the employees,” lamented one of the complainants.

Furthermore, some recount the crude nicknames and physical attacks coming from the star morning worker of NRJ, as well as his homophobic, misogynistic and xenophobic comments. “He often talked about my big breasts or told me that I was menopausal,” confides Isabelle Giam.

Former members of the morning team talk about their anxieties and traumas that remain, even years later. “He killed our dreams and our ambitions. So many of us have stopped playing radio even though we wanted to do that all our lives. »

“I am demanding, precise, rigorous but I have never looked down on anyone. I can make 'sneaks' in the studio, but never with the aim of making fun of me” responds Manu Lévy.


Update 6:24 p.m.: NRJ12 has just transmitted to his reaction

“We deeply regret that Libération reported an investigation report without informing its readers that it was invalidated by the employee representatives themselves, in January 2024.

This investigation report was considered, by employee representatives, as being “simply not in line with the reality of the facts […] observed”.

However, we brought this decisive fact to the attention of Libération.

We therefore understand that it was necessary to exclude everything that did not correspond to the black, caricatured and misleading picture that had to be drawn up..

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Written by ezzeddif

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