
Kate Middleton suffering from cancer? The British press believes it knows the answer to the rumor after its mysterious operation

After the announcement of King Charles III's cancer, all eyes are on Kate Middleton, who had abdominal surgery a few days before him. But the British press believes it has the answer to the question everyone is asking.

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The British people are in shock. A few weeks ago, he learned that Kate Middleton had just undergone abdominal surgery, without specifying the reasons, but affirming that everything had gone well. A few hours later, Buckingham Palace announced that King Charles III also had to undergo benign prostate surgery which seemed to have been a success. However, this Monday, February 5, we learned that the king suffers from cancer, without specifying its origin. Since then, concern has hovered over the state of health of her daughter-in-law.

Kate Middleton operated on for cancer?

The Princess of Wales underwent abdominal surgery in mid-January and has since leaving the clinic and recovering. She will not make her public outings for several weeks. No information has been given on the nature of this operation, as Kate Middleton wishes to keep this private. So, the British are worried after this sad announcement concerning King Charles III. But the country's press is reassuring, affirming that Prince William's wife does not suffer from cancer. According to information from Guardian, Kensington Palace reportedly confirmed that his situation was non-cancerous.

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Prince William resumes official activities

Here is another piece of news that may reassure the English people: Prince William, who had put his official activities on hold while he takes care of his convalescing partner, will resume his royal obligations. This Wednesday, February 7, he will lead an investiture ceremony at Windsor Castle and then attend a charity gala in London later in the evening. If concern still hovers around Kate Middleton's health, Prince William no longer being at her bedside will certainly reassure the British. The son of King Charles III will resume his obligations, but will probably continue to watch over his wife and his father whose health is much more worrying.

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Written by ezzeddif

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