
“We were talking about moving forward in life”: Jean Reno speaks emotionally about his beautiful moments with Johnny Hallyday


Louise Martin


Koh Lanta, Les Marseillais but also Married at First Looks… Louise Martin is a televore who tries, in her spare time, to remake the cakes she admires in front of the Best Pastry Chef… but she is not likely to win the blue apron! Social networks have no secrets for her, the latest scoops, the latest shows, she knows them all. She scrutinizes the lives of your favorite stars and admires Nicky Doll's outfits a little too much in Drag Race France. Little neck pleasure

Guest of “8:30 p.m. on Sunday”, this February 11, Jean Reno spoke about his career but not only that! The actor starring in “Retirement Home 2” spoke about his beautiful friendship with Johnny Hallyday and the difficulty of continuing to live with his absence.

Laurent Delahousse received actor Jean Reno at 8:30 p.m. on Sunday, on France 2. © France 2, 8:30 p.m. on Sunday

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Jean Reno was the guest this February 11 of 8:30 p.m. Sundaya show presented and hosted by Laurent Delahousse. During this Face on Screen, the journalist had the opportunity to ask several questions to the actor about his career but also about his friendships and in particular the one he had with Johnny. The two men met at the end of the 1980s when Johnny Hallyday was at the top and Jean Reno was just starting out. “We did the gym together at Porte Maillot. I was starting to be known, I had done 'The big Blue'the actor remembered during an interview with Le Parisien in 2023. He then added: “We met, we took a photo and he said to me: 'Come and eat at home'. It was in the 16th century. There were twenty people at the table! I said to him: 'That' is a surprise party!', that made him laugh…”.

While he came to talk about his role in Retirement home 2 by Claude Zidi Jr, which will be released on February 14, Jean Reno indulged in a little nostalgia on the set of France 2. “It was impossible if I talk about your friends, not to talk about someone, it's Johnny. He was your friend, he was your friend, you saw him often, a dear, important friend. We remember during the funeral this text by Prévert, these snails that you had pronounced…”, indicated Laurent Delahousse. Jean Reno then grabbed this pole held out by Alice Taglioni's husband and declared: “I managed to say it, I asked myself the question: 'Are you going to make it Jean?' Because when you get up and you arrive next to the coffin and there is the whole church in front… And I managed to say it. I told the children. The two little ones were there and I managed to tell them”.

A decades-old friendship

What if he misses his rocker friend sometimes? Affirmative. “Every day. Especially since we were talking about moving forward in life and that's important, because when we move forward in life, we get closer. When we're young, we can separate, but when we move forward in life, life, no. We had a lot of conversations about the life that had gone byhow much time is still left…”, detailed Jean Reno. Then Laurent Delahousse asked him: “Does the passing of time scare you?”. “Scary, no, but I’m aware of that.”concluded the legendary interpreter of Léon.

Saturday February 10, while he was a guest on RFM on Bernard Montiel's show, Jean Reno also remembered Johnny Hallyday. “He was such a wonderful man. I didn't have a bad time with him. I only had white bread”he first assured about Laetitia Hallyday's husband “So generous”. Curious, Bernard Montiel asked him what his last words had been before the idol of young people died. “It was stupidity. He knew like me that it was the short end of the road and it was over.”, he admitted. And to ask a rhetorical question: “But what do you say in those moments?”

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Written by ezzeddif

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