
“He will die…”: Anthony Delon categorical about his father’s end of life

The state of health of the actor who played in Christine, Plein soleil, Rocco and his brothers and La Piscine is increasingly worrying… WhileAlain Delon has been weakened since his stroke in 2019, his three children, Anthony, Anouchka and Alain-Fabien, are torn apart over where the star should end his days. Indeed, if the two sons want him to stay in Douchy, in Loiret, his daughter prefers to take him to Switzerland.

In full promotion of his new book, Anthony Delon went to the set of C à vous, on France 5. Asked about his father, he indicated: “There is a fight that was waged, which for me was a fight of ethics and a fight of moral values. Not a fight for money as many journalists have said. Maybe I was wrong the first time to come on television and say: 'Listen, I'm telling you straight away, it's not a question of legacy, there's this, this and this ', that's it!'.

Anthony Delon: “It was important to respect his wishes”

In complete transparency, the father of three girls said: “For me, it's a story of ethics and moral values. That's why I say that there was a fight because the fight is no longer there since my father is in DouchyHe's there !” So, Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine asked Anthony Delon if there was no longer any question of Alain Delon returning to Switzerland.

“He will die in Douchy! But I wasn't alone, there was my brother too, there was Alf (Alain-Fabien)! But if you want, it was important to respect his wishes and that's it. is a bit like a son's duty. A son's dutyit’s honor, it’s the word given!”he estimated.

Anouchka Delon was gone taken from his brothers, Anthony and Alain-Fabien, in the columns of Elle magazine. A few days later, his older brother responded to him point by point on Instagram and assured that Alain Delon would end his life in Douchy.

During this long publication, Anthony Delon had indeed indicated: “I can't help but think that if instead of trying to uproot him by 'all legal means' and take him away in Switzerland, alone, in a place where he never set foot, and this, for your personal interest and a future that you dreamed of was even more opulent, you had simply respected his last wishes. Would we be here today…”.

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Written by ezzeddif

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