
DALS 2024: the clash between Inès Reg and Natasha St-Pier caused TF1 to become “paranoid”

Tomorrow, TF1 will broadcast a new bonus Dance with the stars, while the atmosphere is deleterious behind the scenes. At the beginning of January, an altercation broke out between Inès Reg and Natasha St-Pier. For several weeks, rumors circulated on social networks without the protagonists confirming the tensions.

This week, Inès Reg has published numerous stories to tell his version of the facts. Subsequently, Natasha St-Pier shared her truth on her social networks. The two candidates of the program claim that the scene was filmed and that TF1 has the video in question.

Inès Reg/Natasha St Pier: TF1 “paranoid” regarding the video of the altercation

This Thursday, March 28, the day before the bonus, the candidates were in full rehearsal and no one would have crossed paths, as the Guillaume Genton report on Do not touch My TV this March 28. “Despite what TF1 wants you to believe, there is a lot of tension between the personalities, between Inès Reg and Natasha St-Pier” he explains first. According to the columnist, the singer wants the video filmed by the show's cameras to be broadcast.

TF1 told Natasha St-Pier that the video does not exist, but it does exist since it was analyzed for questions of racism, etc. (…) This video, as soon as there was the controversy, they removed it from all servers” assures the chronicler. Then, he affirms that “TF1 fell into paranoia such, that when he watches the video, they take the SD card, they put it on an external drive, they take it out and put it in a locked safe with a code“.

witnesses from the scene who filmed everything. We are perhaps talking about Inès Reg's entourage, who would have filmed the altercation. Video in which there are all the insults uttered. This video should be released, everyone wants to see it, there are people offering thousands of euros to get it back” declared Guillaume Genton.

Jean-Michel Maire then assured that a crisis meeting took place this Thursday March 28 at TF1. The channel had to decide on the management of this controversy on the prime of Friday March 29. According to the columnist, production would hesitate to talk aboutbut also to sanction. The production of Dance with the stars would also have mentioned the possibility that the two candidates would go far in the adventure.

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Written by ezzeddif

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